
miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

Prezi + video

So, after a hard and a really preparated presentation, here we leave you our work: the prezi as a PDF and our prezi link to watch it online.

And finally the video of our presentation which Don Jesus asked for:

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013


All the  people know what is the petroleum, but not many people know what is biomass. Why?, simple, because we are used to using all kinds of things made from petroleum (fuel, plastics, medicins...), maybe we're too accustomed.
This custom is doing that we have problems that we didn't have before; problems like we are ending with all the petroleum sources. And, if we continue using this quantity of petoluem, one day we haven't got petroleum, so we have learn how live without this material that do our lifes more comfortable... or not?
Well, biomass can be changed by petroleum, gas and carbon in many applications. Today, all the countries make possible scientific investigations to continue developing the biomass like a sophisticated fuel.
And, a lot of scientifics think that the biomass will be the source of a lot of chemical products that we use instead of the petroleum, that is what we use today. Products like paints and stickers can be made by biomass instead of obtain they from petroleum chemical products.

By: Helena Gómez

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Geothermal in the world

What do you know about alternative energies in other countries? What do you know about geothermal energy in the opposite side of the world? 
Here you have a game to learn a bit more of energies in the world. How we can distribute the alternative energies plants in each county depends on the resources that you have. The game has a theorical part and a game part; so you can play the game and learn about how can we get the energy. If you want play the game click here.
Can you save the world only wiht clean energies? 
By: Helena Gómez

Biomass or geothermal?

So, let's imagine you want to install a renewable ennergy system between geothermal and biomass, in this post I will talk about the diferences between biomass and geothermal energy, so then you could judge which one is better:

Some importants points:
-For a house for a single family we would say that geothermal would need a pump to install. So from this one we would obtain energy as heat rom the subsoil- which doesn't requires a big installance and space but biomass as well only needs the space for boilers.
-A really good thing which biomass doesn't have from geothermal is that this one gives both heat and cold when its need. so with geotermal you could have a cheap air conditioning!
-Also geothermal has loads of details which are required when we want to install one; for example: the subsoil. Geothermal is more efficient with a especifics types of sol, while the biomass is more adaptable.

 So is it better biomass?
Now biomass probably looks more attractive than geothermal, but that is beacuse we are leaving the economics issues.
For 150 m we would need to pay about 30.000 if we chose to have geothermal energy but we would pay like a 10% less in case of biomass, but this is unseuful because the geothermal energy is a 4'5 more efficient than biomass which in a future would present a 40% more money saving than with a biomass.

So for example:
Imagine you have a house which you consume about 1.000 euros in gasoil for air conditioning you would pay:
    - 650 euros with biomass
    - 250 euros with geothermal
Here you seee the difference!
Also we would add the problem of the install of it. While biomass is still a burner and it keeps having problems of maintenig, geothermak has a very similar workingto a fridge, and it does presents similar problems which are insignificant.

All of your decision would depend of how may money we are spending on this inversion. If we haven't got a big budget i would choose biomass, but if we have a bigger budget i would choose geothermal, it is clean and reduces a lot your normal bill of air conditioning.

 Here it is a house with a biomass system

And here it is a house with geothermal system

SO.... which one would you choose?

By: Isabel Franco

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Geothermal plants

What is all about the geothermical plants? Have you ever seen one? If you are spanish it would be hard to find one because there isn't any! there have been a lot of critization about the wastage from Spain. Spain is wasting all of its heat from the sol which could be use to produce cheap and easy energy. Many journals like -La Razon- critize this waste, in articles like this *here i leave you a link with the article on it, real shame that is that it is in spanish!*
 It gives you some information about how good can make to Spain having geothermals plants.

But there are plenty of countries which are really into the geothermal world like - Iceland has an abudance of this energy source. All this is for its peculiar topography of volcanoes. in findland geothermal energy gives the 60% energy from the natural energy. Iceland is a really weird place beacuse even countries which have worked on this energy source, their use only goes to a 1%.
But the most expert countrie on geothermal plants is New Zealand because of its also peculiar topography has been a really studied thing. The institute geothermical of New Zealand is the pioneere from the investigation of it, it is one of the youngest institucions and it was created on 1978 when the united nations asked for one. After this one there were more created in countries like Iceland , Italy or Japan. And why does these countries can be so realeated to geothermal energy but spain isn't? Basically because all of them are in the edges of tectonic plates with a big volcanoes topography(which is equal to eartquaques) = countries like: New Zealand, Island, Japan and Italy.

Here i leave you an amazing photo of how people in iceland can even get into the water in some lakes becaue of the hot which comes from the sol, so this shows how hot the sol should be to make this possible! (by the way, you can also see the geothermal plant on the photo!)

And finally here a leave you a link with more information about the Geothermal institute of New Zealand!

By: Isabel Franco

A bit of biomass!

Even if you think that Spain doesn't count with many biomass centrals, we count with ruffly 60 biomass centrals in 8 differents provences at Spain!Most of them are situated in andalusia.. and why are they all in andalucia? Just for a simple reason: it is the main place where food industries are, also andalusia has a big tradition of biomass energy.It counts with 300 millin trees which are uses on this energy, just in andalusia biomass gives energy to 700.000 houses per year!!And gives employment to quite a lot of people.
 In its latest years the use of biomass has increased a 9,9% making the first consume of renewable energy be a 84.6%.
Andalucia almost produce 164% MW, it is the 30% from the national total. which isn't a really big produce or consume but it is still quite good.
And if we want to comparate our consume of biomass energy with the total european union we must see this table:

Consume 2005 (GWh)
Consume 2006 (GWh)
Consume 2007 (GWh)

So there it is! And now if you want to learn a little bit more about' why should we use biomass' and the diferences between biomass energy and fossil fuels energy, you should watch this video which is made by an american girl showing us basic things about it!...

So biomass? maybe!

By Isabel Franco


jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Geothermal energy - basics


¿What is theotermical energy?
It is energetic source unknow in our country. It consist in the use of the temperature which emanates from the underground of the earth, to produce electricity or climatice homes and buildings. 

Geothermal | Renewable very economical
It is the only energy source that doesn't have a set fee, which depends on the operating possibilities of each country. In the Philippines, Nicaragua or El Salvador derive more than 15% of power through this source.

Geothermal high and low temperature
At high temperatures, the ground water over 180 º in vapor form can be used to produce electricity. And at low temperatures, to generate heat for heating or cooling for domestic air conditioning.

Applications and Uses of Geothermal Energy
Initially, he was closely associated with geothermal areas of the planet with high temperature water tables and shallow like Iceland, Japan and the Philippines. Use underground hot water over 100 ° facilitates the use of steam, to create electric generation efficiency due to the low costs involved use this energy.
However, technology permits to obtain the benefits of this energy anywhere in the world. We are facing an energy that is not dependent on seasonal weather cycles, not accurate fósiltes fuel combustion produces no visual impact or noise or discomfort of any kind.

The household Geothermal Energy
The use of geothermal advances every day, in large part due to significant technological advances achieved. In domestic applications suffice to extend under the garden soil (to 60 cm. Deep) a network of pipes, as if it were an underfloor heating system, which circulates a fluid that allows the exchange of temperature. A reversible heat pump and a heat exchanger are the other elements necessary to achieve a temperature between 19 º -55 º. Enough to cover the needs of a house in winter, and summer. An important quality of the use of geothermal energy derived from the temperature constancy in the subsurface and allows not to depend on the seasonal cycles.

Here we leave you a a link of a blog about geothermal energy which we think it is really good,
Isabel Franco, Cristina Garrido, Nacho Matas, Ignacio Martin.

sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

Our first post

The biomass is an renovable energy which we obtain from the residious from the living being, this energy, as all the others energies, is clean, does't produce any pollution. On the biomass energy exist the 'pelets' which are the forestal residious which are usually made from sawdust, firewood or branches from the trees.

This wood which can't be use on markets is usually destinated to the obtaining of energy by the biomass. The wood goes to the shipyard where is convert into a really thin sawdust, and they left it dry.
After they burn it obtaining thermical energy, which can be destinated to produce energy , mecanic energy, produce vapor.

Here we leave a video about using the energy from biomass to generate electricity at the Nanticoke Generating Station.

We hope you like it,
from the whole group.

viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

Bienvenidos al blog

Hola, bienvenidos al blog sobre las energías alternativas creado por el grupo de tecnología de 3º B formador por Ignacio Martín, Cristina Garrido, Isabel Franco, Ignacio Matas, Maria Eugenia Goméz y Helena Gómez. Espero que os guste.