
sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013

Our first post

The biomass is an renovable energy which we obtain from the residious from the living being, this energy, as all the others energies, is clean, does't produce any pollution. On the biomass energy exist the 'pelets' which are the forestal residious which are usually made from sawdust, firewood or branches from the trees.

This wood which can't be use on markets is usually destinated to the obtaining of energy by the biomass. The wood goes to the shipyard where is convert into a really thin sawdust, and they left it dry.
After they burn it obtaining thermical energy, which can be destinated to produce energy , mecanic energy, produce vapor.

Here we leave a video about using the energy from biomass to generate electricity at the Nanticoke Generating Station.

We hope you like it,
from the whole group.

viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

Bienvenidos al blog

Hola, bienvenidos al blog sobre las energías alternativas creado por el grupo de tecnología de 3º B formador por Ignacio Martín, Cristina Garrido, Isabel Franco, Ignacio Matas, Maria Eugenia Goméz y Helena Gómez. Espero que os guste.